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Lab members

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Marc Amoyel

Group leader

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Diego Sainz de la Maza

Postdoctoral researcher

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Ruoxu Wang

PhD student

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Jing-Yi Tian

PhD student

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Ben Jackson

PhD student

Lab Alumni

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Research assistant


Pablo Araguas Rodriguez

Charlotte birthday_edited.jpg

Erasmus research internship, March-July 2019, Ecole Polytechnique, France

Charlotte Richard

Divya Matthew_edited.jpg

Wellcome Summer Vacation student, June-August 2019, UCL

Divya George

Freya St Nicholas market_edited_edited.jpg

M.Res Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2017-2018, University of Bristol

Freya Storer


M.Sci Biomedical Sciences 2016-2017, University of Bristol

Yiying (Jasmine) Zheng

Lynn Freya Ioanna Diego Bristol 2_edited.jpg

Erasmus research internship, March-July 2018, University of Crete

Ioanna Lapi


Postdoctoral researcher



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PhD student

Graduated December 2022

Alice Yuen

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Research assistant


Holly Jefferson


Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

©2016 Amoyel lab

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